Author: Namratha Gopal

Tomato is a fruit from the nightshade family which is native to South and Central America. Tomatoes are intensely nutritious plant food. Tomato is scientifically known as Solanum lycopersicum. Despite botanically being a fruit, it is generally eaten and used like a vegetable. Tomatoes are healthful, tasty and versatile and their prevalence is good news. They are juicy and sweet, full of anti-oxidants which may help fight against several diseases. Let’s explore more about tomato health benefits. Read on-


Nutritional Information

Here is the nutritional information for 100gm servings of tomatoes.

  • Calories – 18cal
  • Water – 95% of daily value
  • Fiber – 1.2g
  • Sugar – 2.6g
  • Fat – 0.2g
  • Carbs – 3.9g
  • Protein – 0.9g
  • Sodium – 5mg
  • Potassium – 237mg
  • Cholesterol – 0mg
  • Iron – 1.5% of daily value
  • Calcium – 0.8%
  • Vitamin A – 17%
  • Vitamin C – 23%


Good for heart health

Tomatoes are a major source of anti-oxidant lycopene which has been linked to many health benefits like reduced risk of heart diseases. 

This lycopene is responsible for their red color. Tomatoes are rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C, folate, choline content that all support heart health. One key tip here to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease is by increasing the intake of potassium and reducing the intake of sodium.  As tomatoes contain folate, they are helpful in balancing homocysteine levels which are responsible in reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Additionally they also help in protecting the muscles against deterioration, preserving bone mineral density, reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Prevents cancer – tomatoes are anti-carcinogenic

Free radicals are known to cause cancer. Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and anti-oxidants. These components help in combating the formation of free radicals. Studies have shown that the lycopene in tomatoes is reported to control the growth of cancer cells, especially prostate, stomach and colorectal cancer.

Controls blood sugar levels        

Studies have shown that tomatoes help lower the inflammation, oxidative stress, tissue damage and others that diabetes triggers. Tomatoes are known to have chromium which is a mineral that works in keeping blood sugar levels in check. And it is said that tomatoes are a superfood for type-2 diabetes.


Tomatoes are high in water content and fiber which helps in hydration and supports bowel movements which is why they are known to be a laxative-fruit.  Fiber helps to add up the bulk to stool which is helpful for reducing the constipation. 

Caution – acidity from the cooked tomatoes may trigger or worsen acid reflux or gives rise to indigestion in some people. Make sure if it suits you or have it in moderation.

Good for skin and hair

It is said that the low intake of vitamin C can lead to increased damage (prone to) from the sunlight, pollution and smoke. This in turn can lead to sagging skin, blemishes, tan, wrinkles and other adverse effects on the skin. Studies have shown that eating tomatoes may reduce the UV damage to skin and lower the risk of sunburn as they have high content of carotenoids and vitamin A and C which supports skin and hair health. And it is shown that the collagen production in the body is reliant on vitamin C. Collagen is an essential component of the skin, hair, nails and connective tissue. 

Boosts immunity

Tomatoes are loaded with vitamin C and supplies more of vitamin A as well that supports vision, good skin and immunity. The fresh tomato juice is excellent when it comes to boosting the immunity levels. The vitamin C in tomatoes are also helpful in releasing the less stress hormones, helps you keep energized and super-healthy.

Burns fat – promotes weight loss

Tomatoes encourage the production of amino acids called carnitine which is helpful in burning the body’s fat to at least 30%. Make sure to have them regularly.

Safeguard your vision

As tomatoes are rich in lycopene which is said to be good for eyes. It’s not only due to peeper-protective nutrient in tomatoes. They also contain lutein and beta-carotene which supports vision and protects eye against eye conditions including cataracts and macular degeneration.


Ways to Include Tomatoes In Your Diet

There are plenty of ways to add tomatoes in your diet. 

The one thing to remember here is to not to peel the skin of tomato when you are cooking or eating raw as the skin of the fruit/veggies are known to have maximum benefits. 


This is the obvious one and including tomatoes in the salads are common and sometimes mandate. Make your salads with your choices of veggies either in a simpler manner or as complicated you would like.

Fresh tomato juice

Just jar some fresh tomatoes into your blender and add some pepper and salt or the sweeteners if you are not likely a salty-person. This is the best option to incorporate in your diet as they are raw and you get the maximum benefits when consumed raw. It is the stress-bursting and refreshing drink one can have.

Scramble them with eggs

If you don’t want your scrambled eggs plain then mash them up with tomatoes and spice it up. This is the best combination you can get for breakfast.

Make tomato rasam

If you are running out of time and need some tangy sambhar then tomato rasam should be your first choice. It’s something that is so refreshing and is good for cold too with all the added spices.


How can we forget tomato soup? Just grab some tomatoes and make soup as per your choice and enjoy!!

And many more like dishes, curries, purees, sambhars, dals, oven-roasted tomatoes etc.


Tomato health benefits mentioned are for generic information only and it’s nowhere a substitute of medical opinion. If no remedies work for you always take doctor’s advice before taking any kind of supplements and medications.

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