Author: Namratha Gopal

Indian cuisine is characterised by its various spices that are used immensely in its various recipes and a subtle shift in cooking turns out a different flavour and taste.Turmeric is one among the Indian cuisine spices that belongs to ginger family. Have stressed the importance of turmeric so much in order for you all to understand how magical turmeric is when it comes to health and beauty. So today we are back with another recipe of turmeric i.e., turmeric water recipe. Let’s see how we prepare it and what are all their benefits-



Let’s understand the benefits of having the turmeric water first thing in the morning:

Boosts Immunity

We all know that this ancient spice has now become a global sensation for its healing properties and that boosts immunity. The curcumin in turmeric is the one that helps for boosting immunity and fight against any viral infections. How is that – the curcumin helps in suppressing the inflammatory molecules that causes viral infections and damage to the body due to which any virus attack is prevented and symptoms would be relieved. So, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

Regulates menstrual flow

Turmeric is an emmengagogue (a substance that helps in stimulating the menstrual flow) which stimulates blood flow in pelvic and uterus region. The turmeric water also helps in relieving the pain in muscle spasms and since turmeric has antispasmodic effect, it helps in expanding uterus and induces menstruation. If you want to regulate your periods, then consume this turmeric water regularly to see considerable improvement.

Promotes weight loss and improved digestion

Turmeric water is very helpful in accelerating digestive cycle thus increasing metabolism and promotes weight loss. Turmeric has a bioactive compound called as curcumin– has many medicinal properties that suppresses the growth of fat tissues which helps in weight loss.

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Helps in relieving cold and cough

Since turmeric increases the mucus production, mucus helps in flushing out the microbes that clogs your respiratory tract which helps in relieving cold. While the anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric helps in fighting the viral infections and thus helps with relieving cold and cough.

Boosts skin health

Flush out the toxin from the body with this turmeric – a natural blood purifier. The anti-oxidant properties of the turmeric protects cells from damage caused by free radicals, brightens the skin, adds glow and thus slows down the aging process. So have turmeric regularly if you really want to look young and most importantly detox your body!


Things you need:

  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder 
  • Required quantity of honey/stevia  


To prepare this turmeric water, take a saucepan and add 1 glass of water and 1 teaspoon of turmeric to it. Boil it for 5 minutes and turn off the flame. Once the mixture turns out warm, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it and serve. Turmeric water is ready!

Note – Honey should always be added to the warm water to persist all the nutrients and other healthy compounds that honey has! So do not add honey to hot water.


  • Can adjust the quantity of the ingredients if you want to serve 2 or more people. 
  • Maintain consistency to see the best results.
  • Check if it suits you and your body type. 
  • Use organic products/ ingredients for best results.
  • Pregnant women can completely skip it for their betterment or consult doctor before having it.
  • Eat clean and stay hydrated.
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