Vaginal Yeast Infection Remedies- Natural & Safe

Author: Namratha Gopal

Vaginal infections are very uncomfortable and it almost disrupts the day-to-today activities. They cause itching, irritation, inflammation, pain in the genital area & while urinating and discharging. Need not worry on it much as it is very common and it is said that vaginal infections are caused in the women at-least once in their lives. This article mainly focuses on the basic information the why this happens, an overview and vaginal yeast infection remedies to treat them. Without much delay, let’s begin –

Vaginal Yeast Infection Remedies- Natural & Safe


A vaginal yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of fungus that naturally lives in the vagina called Candida albicans. But, your immune system keeps it from growing out of control. When too much yeast multiplies in the vagina, it causes an infection.

What causes a vaginal yeast infection (Vaginal candidiasis)?

Yeast infections can develop due to the various reasons, they are –

  • Birth control pills
  • Periods
  • Hormonal changes
  • May be during pregnancy
  • Changes in the normal balance of bacteria and yeast in the vagina
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Improper blood sugar control in diabetic women (contributes to higher risk)
  • Poor hygiene 

When to see the doctor?

1. If you feel you may have gotten the infection for the first time, get it confirmed by the gynecologist once if it is a yeast infection or not.

2. When you are prone to multiple (repeated) vaginal yeast infections.

3. Diabetic women with improper blood sugar control are at a higher risk to yeast infections. It’s a must to consult the doctor and seek supervision first at an earlier stage itself.

4. When the symptoms do not seem to improve with self-administered treatment within few days.

5. During pregnancy with vaginal yeast infections.

6. When the infection gets worsen and might have sores or fissures.


Remedies for the vaginal yeast infection

Natural Yogurt (curd)

Natural unsweetened and non flavored yogurt (curd) helps to restore the natural balance of the bacteria and yeast in the vagina as it contains beneficial bacteria called probiotics. As per the studies, the probiotics are known to combat the yeasts that cause vaginal yeast infection. 

How to use? 

You can get relieved either by adding the yogurt/curd in the diet regularly or can be applied to the vulva region.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is fatty oil derived from coconuts. It has an anti-fungal property that helps in combating candida albicans and hence is very beneficial in treating the yeast infection. 

How to use?

Pure raw coconut oil can be applied internally and/or externally at the vaginal region. 

Note – Make sure to purchase coconut oils that are pure, organic and cold-pressed. You can even use homemade pure coconut oil.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known to have anti-fungal property and the research shows that it kills the bacteria and yeast infection that causes vaginal yeast infection.

How to use?

Can add few drops of diluted tea tree oil to the tampons and wear it overnight. 

Caution – Dilute the tea tree oil by mixing with the carrier oil and then use as the vaginal walls are very sensitive and can cause irritation.


Well honestly, this is a low-risk yeast infection remedy as there is no exact study or review on this. However, some women have noticed considerable relief by using garlic to treat the infection as it has anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties. 

How to use?

Place a garlic clove with the threading string attached to tampons and keep it overnight.

Note – Eating garlic cloves on the empty stomach has no effects in treating vaginal yeast infection.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular remedy for treating the vaginal yeast infection as it has anti-inflammatory, acidic and anti-fungal properties.

How to use?

Add half cup of apple cider vinegar to bath tub containing lukewarm water and let it soak for 20 minutes.  The acidic content of the apple cider vinegar helps in eliminating microorganisms including yeast.

Note – Do not douche with apple cider vinegar. Diluting apple cider vinegar is must. Note that apple cider vinegar bath is not same as douching.

Boric acid

Vaginal boric acid capsules are boon for a woman who faces with recurring yeast infections. Research shows that topically applied boric acid antifungal flucytosine treats 70% of the women with vaginal yeast infection.

How to use?

600mg of boric acid in a capsule should be inserted vaginally once in 14days.

Note – Doctors advice is must while taking any vaginal suppositories. 


If you do not want to try any vaginal yeast infection remedies or aren’t sure if the remedies suit you, go for over-the-counter medicines. The antifungal treatment (OTC medications) usually comes in the form of creams, ointments, suppositories or pessaries to treat yeast infections. They are normally found in drugstores, grocery stores and online. They can be taken with or without prescription which depends on the impact of infection caused. So depending upon the brand or product, it can be used in the stretch of 1 to 7 days long application. These products contain powerful antifungal compound called azoles.  However, it’s always better and safe to seek doctor’s advice before going to OTC medications. 

Preventive measures

  • Wear loose fitting clothes and cotton underwear.
  • As yeast thrives in more warm and moist environments, avoid tight fitting jeans and pantyhose.
  • Avoid wearing wet swim clothes or gym clothes for long.
  • Do not wash your vagina with soaps. Vagina has natural bacteria and has an ability to clean by it selves. So all you need to do is to clean vagina with warm water every day during bath.
  • Use water-based lubricant while sexual intercourse.
  • Have probiotics rich foods.
  • As yeast feeds on sugar, avoid sugar as much as possible.
  • Avoid douches.
  • Avoid vaginal sprays, lotions and cleaners. These can imbalance the bacteria and yeast in vagina.
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