Author: Namratha Gopal | Illustrator: Parvathi Nayanar

Body odor makes you self-conscious even though it is a common problem and is seen mostly in armpits even though dealt before and technically known as osmidrosisozocrotiabromhidrosis and malodorous armpits. However, they aren’t usually a cause of concern. Sweat, spicy diet, puberty, chronic diseases like diabetes, thyroid and weather can be one of the reasons for body odor. While talcum powder, body mist and body deodorants provide short-term relief but they can’t help you throughout the day. Below are some effective and all natural body odor remedies you can try-

body odor remedies

Remedies for Body Odor

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has acidic components like acetic acid and other inherent acidic characteristics which help in destroying the toxic microbes in body. Just dip cotton balls into diluted apple cider vinegar and dab on the affected area and other parts of the body to eradicate the bacteria that instigate a foul smell.


Baking soda

Baking soda has intrinsically alkaline traits which help in balancing the acidity in sweat caused by bacteria to reduce unfavorable foul smell from the body. Just prepare a paste of baking soda by mixing it with required quantity of water. Apply directly to the affected area and leave it on for 5mins. This helps in reducing the moisture levels and rancid sweat gland secretions.

Rock salt

Salt has a powerful cleansing properties which help in eliminating the sweat and microbes that are dwelling on the surface of the skin. Add in some crystals of rock salt to a tub of lukewarm water. Mix them completely until all the crystals are dissolved. soak yourself in the tub for few mins and relax. 


Tomato is known for its astringent and antioxidant properties which help in wiping out excess sweat gland secretions as well as the bacteria. Squeeze in some tomato juice and place a cloth inside in it and smear it on the affected area and leave it on for some time. 

Green tea bags

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and detoxifying potentials which help in treating smelly armpits and stinky feet. Steep some green tea leaves in boiling water and allow it to stay for 5mins. Later strain the mixture and apply green tea using cotton pads on the affected area and let it stay for 5 to 10mins. Rinse it off later to regulate the sweat glands.


Potatoes help in inhibiting the bacteria that thrives in the low acidic environment such as underarms and balances the body’s pH. Rub the sliced potatoes over underarms and leave it on for 30mins and then wash it off.

Witch hazel 

Witch hazel is capable in making it impossible for odor-causing bacteria to survive. It also helps in lowering the skin’s pH and has astringent properties that helps in contracting the skin tissues and help reduce the production of heat. Soak a cotton swab in diluted witch hazel solution and dab it on the affected areas and wash it off after 30mins.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties which helps in killing the bacteria and eliminates the body odor. Add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil to 2 tablespoons of water and give a good mix. Apply this solution on the affected area and wash it off after few mins.

Lemon juice

This is one of the best remedy in treating the body odor. As lemon is rich in its acidic content, it helps in lowering the skin pH’s level which in turn makes it possible for body odor causing bacteria to survive. Rub over the affected area with half of lemon and let it dry on its own. Follow up with the shower. 


  • Body odor remedies mentioned in this article is for generic information only and it’s nowhere a substitute of medical opinion.
  • See your doctor if you have any underlying cause for body odor. 
  • Patch test is mandatory for any remedies you try.
  • Do not over-perform any remedies.
  • Make sure you are gentle with any remedy mentioned above.
  • Sensitive skin people can take their doctor advice before jumping to home remedies.
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