Stomach Ulcer Natural Remedies- Tried and Tested

Author: Namratha Gopal | Illustrator: Parvathi Nayanar

Ulcers most commonly develop in many parts of the body which includes stomach lining. Stomach ulcers are the sores that develop in the lining of the stomach or duodenum – the first part of the small intestine. It is also commonly known as gastric ulcers, peptic ulcers or duodenal ulcers. Stomach ulcers commonly develop when stomach acid is secreted or formed on the lining of the stomach. There are some commonly known causes for stomach ulcers. Let’s understand more about stomach ulcer and their remedies to get some relief. Read onto know more –

Stomach Ulcer Natural Remedies- Tried and Tested

Stomach Ulcer Possible Causes

There are two main causes of the stomach ulcers like overuse of pain killers such as aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSIADs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen. And the most common cause of stomach ulcers are that the bacterium Helicobacter pyloriH. pylori. Other causes include stress, idiopathic cause like use of alcohol, hypocalcaemia and excessive use of refined foods. It can also be due to nutrient deficiency with vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, C and folic acid. 

Stomach ulcers are normally treated with antibiotics and medications to reduce and block the acid secretion in the lining of the stomach. In addition to these, there are also home remedies that are always there for our rescue. Without much delay let’s begin to see them –

Stomach Ulcer Natural Remedies

Cabbage juice

Cabbage is one of the best remedies and is most researched to have known for healing the ulcers. It has high levels of glucoraphinin which helps in readily converting into sulforaphane. Our body cells helps in utilizing this sulforaphane in fighting inflammation, speedy healing and protect our body from wide variety of viruses. Drinking a glass of cabbage juice as the first thing in the morning helps in healing ulcer.

Chlorophyll – a nutritional health drink

Chlorophyll helps in increasing the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract thus helps in aiding digestion. It also has an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial property which helps to flush out the harmful bacteria whilst maintaining the healthy ones as the abundance of oxygen and healthy blood flow encourages the removal of harmful impurities and toxins, strengthening the immune system and alkalizing the body thus balancing the pH levels. Having a glass of warm water mixed with an half a teaspoon of chlorophyll powder should be fine it is just as how you take any health drinks or supplements.

Licorice supplements

Licorice has a long history for its use in healing ulcers as it is helpful in soothing inflamed and injured mucous membranes in the digestive tracts. Particularly as a chewable, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) has been shown to be an effective treatment for healing of stomach/duodenal ulcers. For treating ulcers with DGL and not treatment of bacterial infections, the standard dose is 2 to 4 tablets (around 380mg) taken before meals during bedtime. However this remedy has to be taken under the supervision of doctor.


Probiotics helps in restoring the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. This also helps in achieving the optimal gut health hence treating the ulcers. As per review of 2014, probiotics can help kill H. pylori bacteria. This helps in reducing the amount of bacteria present, speeds up the healing process and improves ulcer symptoms. You can find the probiotics in the following sources: 

  • Yogurt
  • Probiotics supplements
  • Fermented foods

Consider taking probiotics supplements as they have higher concentration of probiotics per serving with your doctor’s permission as per the symptoms and ulcer condition of yours!!



Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help in activating the gut health and thus preventing stomach ulcers. Still there needs to be more studies to examine how turmeric is helpful in treating ulcers. However the initial results are always been positive. Have a glass of warm turmeric milk mixed with a dash of pepper in the morning to gain all the benefits of it.

Aloe vera

Studies have shown many results of aloe vera showing favorable results in improving stomach ulcers. Aloe vera juice are known to have additional digestive benefits such as reducing stomach ulcers, improving gut health and reduces inflammation as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Take a glass of water mixed with aloe vera juice as the first thing in the morning to see amazing results. If this doesn’t suit you, try having it an hour after your meals.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is very helpful in treating inflammations, stress, anxiety and intestinal spasms that is associated with gastrointestinal inflammations. Studies have shown that chamomile is known to inhibit the H. pylori bacteria which contribute to stomach ulcers. Ditch your regular coffee and tea and switch to sip onto the healthier life with chamomile teas in your stressful evenings. 


The content in this article is for generic information only and it’s nowhere a substitute of medical opinion. If none of the stomach ulcer remedies work for you always take doctor’s advice before taking any kind of supplements and medications.

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