ABC JUICE- Detox Drink

Author: Namratha Gopal | Illustrator: Parvathi Nayanar

Our liver is supposed to detox by itself. But with the toxins and chemicals that surround us like polluted air, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the products we use, our organs find it cumbersome to do the job. Detoxification helps in keeping our organs healthy in what they do and support the brainpower and energy pathway. ABC juice also called as a miracle drink is a healthy combination of apple, beetroot and carrots, hence the name! This miraculous drink is proven to do miracles to your body and detoxing your body with ABC juice a day should be your priority and the best thing you should try if you haven’t yet.

Recipe for ABC juice

Health benefits of the ingredients used in the ABC juice recipe


‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. How beautiful and meaningful these lines are! Apples are nutrient-dense fruits. It also makes it a great option for weight loss. It increases fullness by helping you manage appetite as it is full of fiber and water content. They are also good for heart and the soluble fiber is the main reason why apples are good for heart. It also helps in lowering blood pressure levels. This is due to the flavonoid which helps in reducing the LDL cholesterol oxidation. Eating apples daily also helps prevent type-2 diabetes which is potentially due to polyphenol content. It is also known to promote gut-friendly bacteria in turn preventing the chronic diseases.  


Beets are known for their earthy flavor and aroma. Beets help in boasting impressive nutritional profile. They are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. It also helps in boosting heart health as they are rich in folate and due to manganese it helps in bone formation, boosts metabolism, brain function and promotes good skin health. Beets contains high amount of nitrates and this can help lower your blood pressure levels. It also helps in reducing kidney inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Beets are also a great source of fiber which helps in benefiting you against several risks of chronic health conditions.



Carrots are rich in beta-carotene which is a main source and helps your body changes into vitamin A which is good for your eyes. As carrots are rich in potassium and anti-oxidants mainly helps in keeping your blood pressure in check and is a great choice for good heart health. The vitamin C in carrots helps your body build antibodies that help to defend your immune system. The high fiber content in carrots helps in preventing constipation.  As carrots are rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health. 


Things you need: (serves 2)

  • 1 apple
  • 1 beetroot
  • 2 carrots


1. Take a juicer and add one full peeled beetroot, 2 peeled carrots and 1 apple.  

2. Add water if required.

3. Blend it really well. 

4. You can strain it if you want or drink it as it is. We would recommend you use a juicer if you do not prefer pulp in the final drink.

5. Feel free to add in some rock salt or/and apple cider vinegar if you wish. This is optional though.

Note – Make sure you don’t peel out the skin of apple. You don’t need any sweeteners here as they taste nice without any sweeteners. If at all if needed, try adding honey or dates as per the requirement. You can also add ginger and mint leaves which are purely optional and for extra detoxification. 


Try including ABC juice in your diet. Make sure to have it in the morning for maximum benefits as your body absorbs maximum nutrients at its best during morning hours. Make sure to use any ingredients under limit and do not exceed above. For best results, stick to the above measurements and double it accordingly if needed to serve more than 2.


The content in this article is for generic information only and it’s nowhere a substitute of medical opinion. Check if this recipe suits you before cultivating it as your practice. 

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